This is what I’ve seen most used. https://github.com/dylanaraps/pywal
This is what I’ve seen most used. https://github.com/dylanaraps/pywal
Yeah it can be hard to differentiate between criticism and insults online. Often insults will be emotionally driven or have surface level analysis while proper criticism will have deeper insight into the topic and be delivered calmly.
I’ve seen proper criticism taken as an insult.
I would assume immaturity or insecurity.
I would assume that anyone reacting in such a manner is immature and insecure in their own work. Insults are often not worth listening or reacting to, constructive criticism is. However if you respond to proper criticism by attacking the critic then you’re an ass.
Interstellar is currently having the ui reworked. Probably worth making a suggestion on the github. I believe Interstellar is currently the only app for mbin.
If you already have access to the keys why bother with anything else?