When you make a phone call, the antenna’s are used 100% for calling and using data is disabled (or at least, it used to be). Android might thus “pretend” that it is still connected.
When you make a phone call, the antenna’s are used 100% for calling and using data is disabled (or at least, it used to be). Android might thus “pretend” that it is still connected.
Well, in a way, they do provide accurate geolocalisation for indoor environments based on wifi networks. And it is right that having internet/bluethooth access also (more or less) reveals your location; but that doesn’t make it ethical.
Yes. I’m mostly developing a website, and testing on another browser is necessary every now and then. But that is my only use reason.
My main browser used to be firefox till tw9 weeks qgo, but it started to be buggy so it’s LibreWolf now.
For maps: either OsmAnd or Organic Maps. The first one is a beast but needs to be tamed, the latter one is more user friendly. They are both based on !openstreetmap@lemmy.ml
Additionally, you can use https://mapcomplete.org to improve the maps (or the online editor in openstreetmap.org)
Some shameless advertising: there is an OpenStreetMap-community on lemmy: !openstreema0@lemmy.ml
Shoutout: we have a community here to on lemmy: !openstreetmap@lemmy.ml
Well, best thing to counter that is to be the change you want to see. Start the community for the niche you miss the most/know the most about. Post something daily for two weeks + do a call for mods, and before you know you’ll have at least some activity. I (helped) to bootstrap !openstreetmap@lemmy.ml this way, and the community has about 1 top level post per day on average now. Not a lot, but a good start.
Hijacking the thread:
You are all welcome on !openstreetmap@lemmy.ml to discuss anyting OpenStreetMap-related
Also have a look to https://mapcomplete.osm.be - this one works on mobile and desktop and has many thematic maps (e.g. one for shops, one for cycling stuff, one for toilets) and you can improve the data there as well + add images.
No. Both package the same OSM-data, but they use a different binary format.
Sorry, but HERE-maps does not use OSM data. They list their sources here: https://legal.here.com/en-gb/terms/general-content-supplier-terms-and-notices
Ooohh!! Please, post a bit in the lemmy community as well.
Sorry, you lost this bet. It’s not mastodon they copied, but Instagram: https://www.emergetools.com/deep-dives/threads
Looks cool! However, there is with badge.team also a similar app platform which they used on https://flow3r.garden/, on the MCH22-badge and the now in preorder namatsu: https://shop.nicolaielectronics.nl/products/tanmatsu?variant=55608856183133 (which I just ordered two of)