2 years agoYeah it’s quite unfortunate with iOS. I’m on android but afaik iOS just doesn’t support all the PWA features.
Which is super interesting in its own right, because when you look back at the first iPhone, Steve Jobs actually announced at first that it wouldn’t have a Software Development Kit for native apps and all applications will be web based. They obviously didn’t stay on that path, but I find it quite ironic.
Contributing to open source projects is pretty much just altruism.
If we’re talking about protection of people integrating open source code in their proprietary code we’ll always have issues. It doesn’t matter if we declare our projects under GPL, AGPL, LGPL, CC or whatever, unless they do shoddy work, we won’t be able to know what code snippets, libraries or frameworks they’re using when source code isn’t disclosed.
People that want to be assholes will always be assholes. If you feel like giving back, contribute to an open source project. If you don’t, don’t. But making it about evil corporations is a bit meh. Even a company like Amazon is actively contributing to improving Java, offering the Amazon Corretto JDK for free. So the path forward may just be trying to be the change yourself, and making sure the company you’re working for is also giving back somehow.