Is this where you come for an argument?
Is this where you come for an argument?
I tried Joplin for a little while, after having tried others. Found myself going back to VSC with Markdown preview.
But once I tried Obsidian? Aww yiss.
The first I’d heard of Obsidian was at the same time I heard about the Zettelkasten method. Which was thanks to having stumbled across this video: The FUN and EFFICIENT note-taking system I use in my PhD
It’s been a while since I watched it, so my apologies for not being able to give a TLDW summary.
Since adopting it for myself, I’ve found out that an old semi-retired dev friend, as well as a younger dev that actively contributes to at least 2 projects on GitHub (both popular) are keen users of Obsidian.
I’ve been using Signal for what seems like years now.
I’ve got 4 contacts (5 if you include a martial arts school I no longer attend), and only char with 2 of them regularly: my brother and sister.
I’ve downloaded and installed Briar, Session, and Simplex, and keep meaning to test them out with the help of my wife ('s phone) to see what they’re like.
I got to wondering what sort of social proliferation the telephone managed to achieve in England by 1919. Nothing exhaustive, but this is what I’ve found:
So for a cartoonist to be able to imagine having a personal phone at all in 1919, let alone a portable one, is pretty interesting. Maybe missed their calling as a sci-fi writer/illustrator :)