Move to another country?
I’m trying to figure out the same question.
Move to another country?
I’m trying to figure out the same question.
Yeaaaa, a complete redesign from scratch sounds way more dangerous. “Noah, get the boat” isn’t always the best answer. There’s been a lot of thought and testing put into the magnificent work that is SSH over the past few decades.
Ok … duh … the glasses are the best artifact.
You could be running the world in no time with that kind of charm applied to politics.
Check out Ars Technica. I’ve always enjoyed the fact that the are more technical than average news sources. For example, when they report on a software security vulnerability, they’ll actually go into the command line and try it for themselves. Pretty good reporters which more than basic tech knowledge, if you ask me…
YouTube staff underestimate the amount of effort tech savvy people will devote to remove minor annoyances. Ultimately, the core capability of YouTube is to deliver a video from its servers to your browser. Adblock tech will continue to win the cat-and-mouse game in the long run.
You are the best.
Does anyone know how to specify which vehicle the shortcut applies to when your family has 2 Teslas?
I value a distro that “Just Works”^TM and I can affirm that Linux Mint is it! Been using it for 5 years and would never go back.
Get in losers, we’re going to the future.
Audio jack needs to die.