You seem frustrated. Me too. Online words change nothing. True view altering events rarely come from random internet discussion. You either seek the knowledge yourself and form a new opinion or have a good faith discussion with another in real time where shared space gives you a connection and ties your words to your identity (externally and internally). That’s where proper nuance is found. I’ve come to this conclusion after many revelations about personal unhappiness and choose to devote my energy to better pursuits. I’m happier now.
I wish you better days.
The bigger obstacle the left and right have to finding common ground is the hypocrisy of body autonomy. Vaccines, women’s rights, trans rights, drugs, health choices and more derived of things like this all boil down to an individual decision to do what they want with their own body and no one has any consistent logic. This is just one source of disagreement.
We’re way past the point of needing ranked choice voting to allow people to truly support the ideas the most identify with without being lumped in with other groups simply to avoid loss of voting power in a first past the post environment.