It’s full steam ahead on techno fascism, next stop “boot stamping on human face forever”-ville
A generation or two of democracy was nice while it lasted I suppose.
It’s full steam ahead on techno fascism, next stop “boot stamping on human face forever”-ville
A generation or two of democracy was nice while it lasted I suppose.
Yeah, thought the same thing, sounds low. Though, there’s plenty of Russian and CCP trolls too, so maybe they’ve pushed out corporations for the lion’s share.
That last one reads like an Onion headline lol
I’m envisioning a future where Facebook is using these as a creepy data collection tool to further create shadow profiles for people who aren’t on FB.
I just envision introducing myself to a stranger and they’re just like “Oh, yeah, I know.”
That summary text is a bit ironic lol.
I remember making a minor addition to an article with a source, nothing controversial and it still got changed back by some random.
That’s kind of when I realized it was hyper political and about people’s egos as much as it was knowledge sharing.
And if it’s not blocking properly, go to the filters settings for Ublock Origin, purge cache and update.
Yeah, it started giving me the “You have three vidros left” dialogue so I went into yBlock settings, purged the filter cache and updated. Haven’t had an issue since.
Google collects and sells massive amounts of data on me simply using their services, I’m already “paying” them for the service I’m not going to sit through 5 minute ads and pretend that’s a fair exchange.
Huh, weird to see the UK doing something stupid before we do it here in the US. Usually it’s vice versa.
What on earth? Just don’t sexualize children or normalize sexualizing children. Denying pedophiles access to pedophilic imagery is not some complex moral quandry.
Why on earth am I getting so much pushback on this point, on Beehaw of all places…
This wouldn’t disrupt the pattern of pedophiles forming communities though, which is where a lot of the abuse begins to happen; as pedophiles begin to network with one another an affirm and normalize eachother’s compulsion towards abuse it emboldens them to act on those desires. It doesn’t matter if a site is a full of AI imagery, it has the same effect of allowing these communities to form.
There is no value in AI CSAM. And yes, AI content should be watermarked, but there’s no justifiable reason to allow the sexualization of children, whether through real photos or AI ones.
I believe that images are important to investigation as they help with the identity of those children being abused. When that’s mixed in with a bunch of AI pedophile stuff it serves to obfuscate that avenue of investigation and hampers those efforts, which are 100% more important than anyone’s need to get off to pedophilic AI imagery.
Online investigation in general has been a successful avenue in the recent past.
If there was a chance of saving even one child but it meant that no one could see AI images of sexualized children then those would be completely acceptable terms to me.
I would hold there’s zero downside to outlawing the production of AI CSAM. There’s no indication that letting pedophiles indulge in “safe” forms of pedophilic activity stops them from abusing children. It’s not a form of speech or expression with any value. If we as a society are going to say we’re against abuse of children then that needs to include being against the cultivation and networking of abusive culture and people. I see no real slippery slope in this regard.
I would say one of the main dangers is that it makes actual child abuse content more difficult to track, as some AI imagery borders the line of indistinguishable from real photos. So in a sea of AI-generated CSAM it becomes much easier for abusers to blend in their very real abuse content.
It’s gross either way and the social acceptance of sexualizing minors should be met with strong resistance; even if the tools used to sexualize children don’t necessarily directly necessitate abuse themselves, they facilitate the culture of abuse.
I accept your choice to believe that.
Just remember to never use any kind of news media aggregation platform to find news on current events or to ever read or listen to analysis or meta analysis of reported news, since that would be hypocritical.
It is better than right-wing lunatics, but this will likely result in smaller progressive channels like Rational National, Majority Report, Humanist Report etc. being sidelined even more. And these are not conspiracy channels, they provide really important context that’s often left out by “authoritative” media like CNN and MSNBC.
On its face it sounds like a good idea, but I just don’t trust Google to be the one to decide what’s authoritative and what needs to be weighted down, We’ve already learned that they have perverse incentives in that regard with the way they’ve remorselessly promoted extreme right-wing content for years because it made them a quick buck. For them to have a sudden change of heart and start talking about getting the facts straight is a bit sus to me.
Having Zuckerberg, the clammy, glassy-eyed mola mola, as the face of the effort was definitely a big mistake too. I mean, I’m glad it failed, but it was a mistake from a business perspective to use a wax figure with shark eyes as their mascot.
I can’t dispute it
Ad Block Plus in FF works well too. I haven’t had to deal with any of YouTubes ad nonsense.
Regarding people saying the ad blocker is eventually detected; upping your privacy strictness settings might help. I keep settings as strict as I can, and then if there’s a site that breaks I’ll loosen them on a per-site basis just to allow the minimum needed for the site to function. Or I will sometimes selectively use a chromium browser for limited stuff (ordering grub hub or something)
How much you want to bet there are still advertisements. That’s one thing I can’t stand about podcasts on Spotify, that they don’t force the creators to give spotify a clean copy of the audio. Instead you pay a premium for the service and still have to listen to ads, it’s kind of absurd.
I’ll honestly just ride a bike before I ever buy a car from Musk or the CCP.
That said, Canoo looks good here in the US if they can build the momentum from the contracts they’ve secured and make the leap to selling to consumers.