“It’zha fayk noos, fake nuus!”
There is porn on the internet! Give them the Pulitzer Prize! Nice research. You can order these on Fiverr and they do not even have NSFW filters.
First season, definately.
Try Blokada
Honor ans strength
To invade a network, they do not control and to steal, abuse and sell more non-user data.
One iphone shall cometh to save us all
rain forest night ops
Mark Zuckerberg walks into a bar for horses, then the horse-barkeeper says: “Why such a long face?”
Just emphasizing my upvote on your comment through my comment.
Happy to be here, doing my part. Thanks to all of you, that made it possible!
OK, convinced. Gonna try.
You are welcome.
Sorry, but you have to set priorities.
Right. Keep em coming!
What belongs together comes together.