That’s Oklahoma and everyone in Texas hates it. Anyone who says otherwise is an escaped Oklahoman and the authorities need to be alerted so they can be returned to their isolation
That’s Oklahoma and everyone in Texas hates it. Anyone who says otherwise is an escaped Oklahoman and the authorities need to be alerted so they can be returned to their isolation
Something I’ve learned in life is that should be and is are not the same thing. You’re right, that he should be okay, but the cops are going to want to stick this to someone. It’s way too high profile for them to let it go. If happy dude isn’t their guy and walks in the front door, the cops would make him their guy.
I’d do two bags in two separate locations with different changes of clothes in each. whichever bag I went would depend on what the circumstances afterwards were.
If happy dude isn’t the CEO clean up guy, walking into a police station would be the best to way to ensure he gets the CEOs death pinned on him or worse. Happy dude would be best hiring a lawyer and following their advice.
I’ve wondered quite a bit about my dark meat vs light meat. I’ve also wondered how well marbled I am. I think I’d be delicious.