It’s like the stereotypical discussion of the wife wanting to paint the wall eggshell instead of off-white and the man not being able to see a difference between those two.
This is actually due to women being better at discerning colors than men.
It’s like the stereotypical discussion of the wife wanting to paint the wall eggshell instead of off-white and the man not being able to see a difference between those two.
This is actually due to women being better at discerning colors than men.
Out of recommendations given here I’d ignore Arch/Manjaro, for a server you want something that you can set up and forget about and not explode when you try to update the packages after not doing so for 3 months.
Kubernetes and the likes are a bit of an overkill unless you’re planning to expand to having multiple machines or want a learning experience.
I’d recommend docker compose or podman, you generally don’t want bare bones docker as running your containers via docker run
sucks ass.
“I accidentally did something that I had to explicitly go out of my way to do, and doing literally nothing could have prevented it”
Don’t remember that? Lucky! I’m very aware of the contents of my later tube. Every. Waking. Moment.
That’s how you die of asphyxiation
Yep, and the more braces the harder they laughed at your joke))))))00
I like the one of Isaac
You can’t use your as a snorkel? Amateurs!
I’m a big fan of shaworma
Is there a typescript analogue for python? Preferably that adds curly braces?
It’s spelled twatter
Relay still works for some reason
Markdown is pretty ‘dumb’ in that it simply uses regular expressions to detect markdown tags/structures and then translates them into corresponding html elements. So when it sees subsequent lines each starting with a ‘{number}{dot}{space}’ it determines that it’s supposed to be a numbered list, so it translates that to an html ordered list. The numbers in an ordered list are not there if you look at a page source, they’re only being rendered by your browser starting with ‘1’ by default.
With all that being said, HTML5 supports overriding default values in an ordered list, so with additional logic in the markdown parser having numbers out of order could be done.
Makes them in cels interlinked
Weird how this logo feels more modern than it is. Likely due to flat/minimalist design being currently in vogue, and Windows 10/11 logo is very similar to it.
Elmo’s mom won’t allow it
It’s not exactly something that you can force. If X amount of users want to join an instance Y, the instance should be able to provide capabilities to host those users. Besides, horizontal scaling provides other benefits, stability is the main one - if one server instance goes down, others can immediately pick up the slack.
Multiselect lists are outdated design, requiring prior knowledge of what they are and the use of keyboard (that you might not have if using a touchscreen device) for a simple interaction with a webpage is terrible UX. The issue is that it’s how browsers render them by default, a ‘proper’ multiselect requires a bunch of css and javascript.
I’m scared that the world is going to run out of popcorn because the Chinese are going to eat all of it.