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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Been using Nix for just over a year.

    Seconding to go with flakes. No idea wtf channels are or whatever the previous system was.

    Documentation can be confusing due to changes in paradigms. The bare “nix <scope>” seems to be the most modern oppose to “nix-<scope>” (e.g., nix store vs nix-store). That said, not every feature can be found in the newer variants.

    This can make following tutorials difficult if they aren’t using the same paradigm.

    Getting comfortable with the nix language will be helpful. Its a functional programming language, which is very different than languages like bash.

    Not everything has to be done the nix-way. My nvim files are in the same repo, but I just outOfStoreSymlink them instead of wrapping them in a derivation.

    Some useful packages I like not already shared.

    Disk partitioning: https://github.com/nix-community/disko

    Immutable: https://github.com/nix-community/impermanence - Pretty much resets the system to a new install every boot. Discourages manual tweaks via sudo as they get wiped out. You can still mark certain directories to be persistent (logs, personal documents, steam games, etc.).

    Nvfetcher: https://github.com/berberman/nvfetcher - Nix has a concept of overlays. You can pretty much override anything with .override (module args or inputs) and .overrideAttrs (module attribute set or outputs). Nvfetcher helps with checking different sources so you can override a packages src attribute. Why is this useful? So you can install any version you want and are not bound to nixpkgs. That doesn’t mean the install script in nixpkgs will always work on newer versions, but those can be overridden as well if needed.

    Note that disko, impermanence, and nvfetcher all have a flake.nix in the root of the repo. Those provide ready to go overlays so you don’t have to deal with writing your own which is really nice if you want to latest version without much work when available.

  • Toooo real. Its like companies have taken the worst of everything and just call it agile. List out every task and estimate them so we have timelines, but don’t actually architect anything as that’s waterfall. Fake waterfall, with fake dates, but fingers will be pointed like they were real commitments, and spend a month doing it for this executive power point instead of fucking off so devs can build the damn thing.

  • If half your employees aren’t acting the way they do in private, they’re putting on a mask and not being their true selves

    But you’re making this point in defense of someone aligning themselves with a group who targets trans, women, and whoever else they can bully not like them for being their true selves… Do you not see the hypocrisy of such a point given the context of the quote?

  • You probably don’t want the entire terminal rendered in your UI for the reason you gave that it is intended for monospace.

    Rather, you want the buffer which is markdown and contextual info like cursor position.

    You might hit some challenges like how to handle style elements. For example:


    Moving the cursor to the right of the b will take two key presses in nvim but would typically be one key press in a WYSIWYG editor.

    There are probably many ways to handle this in nvim through the plugin system, but both paths of embedding vs emulating nvim has a good chunk of dev work to be completed.

    Emulating will likely be more rewarding at the start as you can get incremental improvements pretty quickly.

    Embedding is a cool idea, but likely a ton of upfront work to get your first tangible results.

    You might be interested in reviewing https://github.com/MeanderingProgrammer/render-markdown.nvim which attempts to render Markdown in the terminal. They have logic for rendering things like the bold example in bold while hiding the markup.

    I personally just use https://github.com/iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim to render in a different window when render-markdown.nvim isn’t enough.

  • sloppy_diffuser@sh.itjust.workstoPrivacy@lemmy.mlGrapheneOS
    3 months ago
    1. Not sure on this one.

    2. The auditor is to make sure you are installing an authentic version of graphene. That it is not a modified version that has been tampered with (e.g., backdoors).

    3. Automatically enables MAC randomization. This can help with being tracked on public networks. Fingerprinting techniques have gotten better though with deep packet inspection and even measuring radio characteristics. I’ve seen demos of two brand new and identical models of iPhones being distinctly picked out due to variances in the radios during manufacturing.

    Doesn’t help with advertisers tracking behavior based on IP. VPNs help with “blending-in” by putting multiple users behind the same IP. Provider matters here. Needs to be a VPN provider that won’t just sell your data or cave to law enforcement. Mullvad is my preference. Paid with crypto. RAM only logs. That said, use Tor or I2P for anything you don’t want subpoenaed.

    For additional tips:

    • Can’t remember if its on by default, but auto-reboot to put data at rest (encrypted and not in RAM). This is for a state-actor threat level, and less about advertisers.
    • I prefer pin codes to unlock my device and don’t use biometrics. Graphene has a feature to randomize the pin pad every time to protect against a recording of the pin be entered. Specifically where the numbers aren’t picked up on the video but the pattern your hand makes can be seen. Again, more of a state-actor threat level.

  • My NAS is an mATX mobo with an i5, 64G RAM, 8 disk drives, 3 nvme drives, and an ARC GPU for video transcoding.

    Disk drives are all mirrored. One nvme runs NixOS which is easy enough to redeploy if the drive dies. One nvme is cache on top of the disk drives. Last nvme I use for temp fast storage like Jellyfin transcoding.

    Its more of a combo NAS/server as I run most self hosted apps on it (tor node, monero node, jellyfin, *arr stack, etc).

  • You pay for what you use. I have somewhere around 120-140GB and get a bill every 2 months. I think it has to be near a dollar you owe for them to invoice.

    Be mindful of the class A/B/C transactions at the bottom of the page with pricing. I paid about $0.60 when I first set everything up in Class C transactions. I haven’t gone over the free 2500 or whatever they give you since.

    I don’t use it quite like Dropbox with a watch daemon. I have an encrypted local back up I mount with rclone, do my work, then use rclone again to sync to b2 when I unmount it.

    I wouldn’t use to version control some project I’m working on where files change frequently. Those transactions would probably kill the cost savings at some point.

  • For android there is RoundSync. It automatically backs up folders of your choice on a schedule. Not on any app store. It must be installed by downloading the apk from GitHub.

    There is also Cryptomator as an alternative. I used it for years without issue, but prefer rclone for more control over my work stream. Think I paid a one time license of $10 for desktop and another $10 for mobile.

    Dropbox is only a good deal if you use near peak storage and/or do a lot of data transfers.

    I was paying $120/yr for 2TB. Now I’m on B2 Backblaze. On paper Dropbox was cheaper per GB, but with my usage pattern I’m paying like $1.00 every other month.