Haha I had to look it up, but that’s the definition of “innovation”. Literally taking something existing and making it better.
Haha I had to look it up, but that’s the definition of “innovation”. Literally taking something existing and making it better.
I guess it would be better to say they innovated the slate style phone. Android didn’t come out until 2008 and all other top phones used physical buttons. The iPhone technically only had 5 for general functions.
I remember the first keynote. Jobs kept repeating phrases like music player, web browser, and phone together like that. And then boom, he whipped out the first iPhone that was in his pocket the whole time. While there were similar devices at the time, nothing (to my knowledge) was all one package especially in an all touch device that small.
Forced update, they took too long to restart.
Pearl Jam tried this in the 90’s and got ran over. There would have to be people in congress that cared enough.
Full BEV maverick please. Ford, you’re soooooo close.
If you can get ahold of a maverick hybrid at msrp, there’s that. But it’s limited to 2,000 lbs. the ecoboost with towing can do 4,000 but then you’re right back in the same spot as the Hyundai minus the theft issue lol.
If McAuliffe had put forth a bit more effort it would have been better. But he felt a bit too complacent.
I can’t stand the tantrums that Dumbkin puts on tv. Just that shit is no way to be a governor.
Bold of you to assume he’ll survive captivity.
VW hides a fair few of theirs behind the gauge cluster.
Yea the control center used to turn them off. Apple changed it to “disconnect until tomorrow” in iOS 11. So iOS 7-10 it functioned fine.
It wasn’t always like this. It started somewhere around the iPhone X I think. It used to actually turn off wifi/bt in the menu.
18650 isn’t a specific type of battery, but a size. 18mm diameter, 65mm length, and 0 typically represents it being cylindrical in shape. 18+65+0
Idk, B-Rad is what I always use.
Yea this stinks of someone’s palms not getting greased enough.