Yes, I’m already set up that way. I have a need for others to use my profile but not be allowed in certain apps.
How do you achieve the location spoofing?
Less effective than just throwing out the bottle, but I can see you meant weld.
Pretty nice looking assumption you’ve made, there.
Threads, and especially the people/company behind it, are categorically in opposition to the values of the Fediverse.
Seeing them join us would be like watching a Christian join a Passover Seder by wearing a yarmulke: everyone would be inviting and accepting in spirit but you just know the guy would bring up some inappropriate topics, excuse his own faux pas, and be silently wishing he could convert everyone.
Yeah, I’ve seen this before but I just apparently don’t have that option. All I have is “Mobile Data” which appears to leak a little despite being turned off…
I’ve been suspecting I’d need GrapheneOS for a while now. Might finally be time to jump.
I haven’t been able to find this setting. I’ve heard about it on other devices but mine doesn’t seem to have it.
Tried Aves at this suggestion. Really neat!
I’ve gone tons of places that say use Google Authenticator (only) and I just summon the QR code and scan with Aegis anyway and it always works fine. I’ve never seen a place that required a certain one.
Pun intended?
Whether or not it was acting human (and whether or not it was designed to), it still cheated and deceived. With the potential power, influence, and widespread adoption this technology could have, shouldn’t we be concerned about that? At the very least, isn’t this a poorly programmed tool not ready for GA?
My dog isn’t intentionally being a prick when he eats my sandwich off the table before I can get to it, but it’s still a behavior I condemn and would want to train out of him before letting him go to other people’s houses.
Interesting. I found RustDesk recommended as an alternative to AnyDesk. Do you have alternate suggestions?
SSH or RustDesk
I imagine you’d reach a point where you’d be able to deduce that you no longer need/should more buff.
I meant only to address what I specifically quoted. The feature of using multiple identities, separately for each contact, is baked right into SimpleX and works amazingly well.
What if I want to be
to some people, andMissCatPictures
to other people?
Use SimpleX
Couldn’t you just pay them enough so that they don’t need a second job?
Going in-patient saved my life, but it did not cure it. It armed me for the war I would fight with myself on the path to healing, but did little to support it long-term. It is an effective stop-gap, but should be considered only the beginning of the journey, as continued work and treatment (for potentially very long after) may be on the menu.
For desktop?