• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • We seem to be going in circles.

    There is a solution that is applicable to any time and place, whether it is 1500 years ago or today, rural or urban, rich or poor. This does not impact the divorce or make it any harder, it simply ensures a man does not skip on his obligations and a child is given what they are entitled to.

    The only caveat is women must wait to remarry (NOT divorce) a certain period - the vast majority of cases where there is no pregnancy is 3 months. The man continues to financially support the woman regardless of whether she can fend for herself or not, but again, you won’t see any posts showing how “unfair” that is. Now if someone does not want to wait this period they can get a test and skip this period. You are making unsubstantiated claims that the test is difficult or more difficult than a praternity test.

    How many people does this actually effect? How many women do you know remarry within 3 months of a divorce? Or get married and the new husband being OK with her being pregnant with another man’s baby during the marriage? This issue is being blown out of proportion when there are legitimate grievances and issues affecting women across the world. Some countries (e.g. Phillipines, Vatican city) don’t even allow divorces to begin with. Interestingly enough, Muslims in Phillipines can get divorced while Christians can’t. Surely those affect more women and affect them more seriously?

    I am sorry if I have not conveyed my point still, but I won’t be replying further. Take care.

  • Well I am not sure if my definition of fair matches yours since it can be subjective. Does fair mean “same”? Can fair account for the fact that only one biological sex can become pregnant?

    The focus is only on the fact that women have to wait a period of time before remarrying (min 3 months max the period of pregnancy) while conveniently ignoring the fact that the man has to financially support his ex wife during the entire period and take full financial responsibility of any child born even after the divorce. This waiting period ensures a man can’t just kick out a woman one day and abandon a potential child without any obligations. So if the financial responsibility is not the same, is it unfair to men?

    It is easy to see a headline and jump to conclusions but these topics are much more nuanced. We shouldn’t only focus on rights but also responsibilities.