This was before the EU forced them to implement RCS.
When the fuck did I write this?
But seriously, we’re boned. Doing everything I can to give my family a good life and have cushion for the future. You’re 100% correct though, almost don’t care if society collapses at this point.
100% agreed. Assumptions were made. It’s all good. Communication is key to understanding differences and growing.
Not sure how you got puritanical from that. It’s actually medical. Anything in excess will damage your body. I’m just as concerned for people’s bodily health as I am their spiritual health.
I think it says more about their actual beliefs in God. As a Christ follower, I believe everyone has their own path to take. If drugs in moderation is one of them, go for it. Hell, it’s theorized Moses was tripping on shrooms when talking to God.
Those who fear being exposed to “other” things will take them away from God (beyond addiction, that’s a whole other thing), then they never believed in the first. They just use it as a shield to justify their horrible actions.
No, we’re a minority. Not third class. Hell, Android itself runs the Linux kernel. Should be a few slaps of paint to get it working. (I know it’s much more complicated than that.)
Take every opportunity you can to learn and grow but don’t over exert yourself. Everything you learn can be used at a different company. Never know where your learned knowledge can take you.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions. If you don’t know something, it’s better to ask and do it right the first time than fuck it up and have to waste more time. If they get mad for you asking, bail. People who can’t accept questions are people who can’t lead.
Do your job to the best of your abilities but don’t be loyal as they won’t be loyal to you when things are looking down.
If they offer any sort of benefits; PTO, College Funding, Health Care, etc; take advantage of everything that makes sense to you. Don’t let ANYONE make you feel guilty for using it. The company is going to use you. Use them right back.
Leave work shit at work and home shit at home, whenever possible. Be chummy with your coworkers but don’t mistake them for friends. “We’re like a family” is bullshit. The company will throw you to the curb if needed.
It’s definitely the blue vs green bubbles. Your average user doesn’t even know iMessage is E2EE. They also don’t care.
Google photos is just cloud back up like iCloud backup for iOS devices.
Google photos is also on iOS devices, so you could have your photos on any of your devices.
Matthew 6:5-6 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”
It’s the foundation of his argument that Christians shouldn’t impose religion upon others but should lead by example.
Bro… That TV is over 7 years old, meant for health centers, and probably weighs 2 - 3 times the TV in OOP.
While yes, it is annoying, nothing modern has a center stand. with center stand
It’s definitely a cost cutting feature and you definitely can’t expect a $200 TV to have a weighted center stand these days.
They’ve released a couple of his pre-recorded videos but turned off the comments. They know they fucked up. 🤣
Late to the party but this why I like Ventoy. It only looks for removable drives and then all you do is drag and drop your live images onto the removable drive. Pretty hard to mess anything up.
It’s definitely a good outlook and very positive for the Fediverse as a whole.
Fair enough. Text is hard to read sometimes. Cheers!
Cause they don’t already abuse the OT system?
I wish I could say we just gotta wait 4 years but I wouldn’t believe if I said it. The US is past a fucking joke. Just… Fucking dammit…