Did you not read my comment about posting an SS member at the door to his cell?
Did you not read my comment about posting an SS member at the door to his cell?
They need to be raked over the coals by the FTC and class actions.
LSD does a good job of it too.
No, but it wouldn’t do any good. He is a textbook narcissist with an unattachment disorder (diagnosed by an actual psychologist).
Trump was such a horrific president he actually makes Bush look like a good president.
I mean, just look at literally anything they’ve done in the past few decades.
If you vote for a party whose platform is revoking the rights of others, and whose leadership is full of traitors trying to destroy our democracy, you’re a bad person. Full stop.
Also, you should be ashamed for your antisemitic strawman.
How is it impossible?
Well, besides Trump.
Or a doctor that dismisses all of your symptoms because they can’t be fucked to put effort into a diagnosis.
Reagan is when things really started to go to shit, though.
Isn’t there a financial paper trail of his crime?
Dems do share some of the blame for never going for the throat when they have the chance to. They’re trying to play by the rules without acknowledging the fact that they’re playing chess against a pidgin.
If the Christian god exists, Reagan is almost certainly in hell.
He’s literally the devil.
These dumb fucks should go ahead and sue Google, then, if searching and providing song lyrics is considered copyright infringement.
That one was part of the strategy, but the main card was the Fluctuator, and another one I can’t remember that let you search your deck and draw a swamp for each creature in your graveyard. Then a spell to do X damage per swamp tapped.
Throw him in solitary and post a SS member in front of the door.
I saw them in concert a few years ago, and it was a super fun show.
Yup. My wife has a family history of lupus, has kidney issues, had a serious b12 deficiency, and pretty much every other symptom of lupus, but a negative ANA panel, so it can’t be lupus (a negative ANA doesn’t rule it out completely).
When she went in because she was having neuropathic pain, which is very common in lupus and b12 deficiencies, she was told it was probably from her covid vaccine.
What sucks the most is I, a 6’3 male, actually gets taken seriously by the same doctors. It’s bad enough that I have to go with her to appointments so there’s a chance of her being taken seriously.