Legal does not imply moral.
Legal does not imply moral.
They look pretty different imo
androcentric thinking in a nutshell I guess
I would argue that the problem you are pointing out is cultural rather than biological. Humans are very well capable of living sustainably and respectfully and have done so for extended periods of times in different regions of the world. The endless consumtion of an ending earth seems like something that developed together with (e.g. western, capitalist, …) culture and ideology.
We need to work on changing our collective mindset rather than attempt our own disappearance. Second part of argument: I believe we can. Humans are very capable to adapt and change. Not sure about collectives, but if you think you can convice a critical number of people to stop reproducing, I think you can do the same in convincing us to please fix our shit.
Oh… did he, like, die?
Lifelesson: Read the rules before posting. “All post titles must include a question.”
I have a Quechua bottle that looks slightly yellowish/golden on the inside. Might that be some sort of lining?
Advertisement shit[post]s in your head. Avoid.
Thank you :D
Just my messy handwriting.
Y’all are getting ads?
I never looked at it that way.
Thanks for taking the time to almost radicalize me.
I don’t quite understand what you mean, could you perhaps rephrase in another couple of sentences? Edit: I’d still be genuinely interested in an explanation of your initial comment. It might help clear things up.
Hadn’t spotted the people in the background, thanks for pointing them out.
What is being done to you might as well happen to me feels like the core idea of solidarity. It is different from sympathy.
Now get into your river bath.