Do I trust Sexy cockroach, +_+, et. al, or do I trust wikipedia?
Do I trust Sexy cockroach, +_+, et. al, or do I trust wikipedia?
Yes I have forgotten to cover my sneeze more than once in the last thirty five years. Yes I still think it is not a good thing to do. What kind of a question is this man. Do you think that as soon as you break any social norm you relinquish your right to object to any normalization of this stuff for the rest of your life 😔
I’m not gonna be convinced to conflate corporate skepticism with spreading foot cheese over the subway seats man 😭
There is also no reason they can’t dismiss front plate pictures as unreliable.
Are there any privacy communities remaining where you can say you’re using tor browser without getting attacked for being an “extremist” and paranoid just because you use tor browser or leaving phone at home?
I say this half jokingly, but after reading the rest of your post and a couple samples from your post history, I can tell you that “using the tor browser” and “leaving phone at home” is probably not why people call you paranoid.
1/4 to 1/3 of WD-40 is a petroleum base oil, and they make claims about its lubricating properties on their website and marketing material today.