Agreed. I’ll come back to this when I’m not as busy. I made a simplistic argument and I’d like to expand on it. Cheers
Agreed. I’ll come back to this when I’m not as busy. I made a simplistic argument and I’d like to expand on it. Cheers
Yes. Russia from 1917 till about 1928. A slow, but through counter revolution took place.
Sure. Never analyze or critique anything. Got U
I consider tankies to be on the right end of the socialist spectrum, so when I say it I’m punching right. They’re still comrades even if they are miss guided by state-capitalist governments. Cheers
Sorry if this is not correct, I’m not on Apple, but I think ssh is built in. Maybe iPad is different. Here’s a link that may help
Try Remmina
Wow. I guess someone has never actually read Trotsky or anything from Trotskyist. Try some Tony Cliff. Also, how you think Trotskyist sound today is not an indictment of Trotsky. Being critical of a revolution that has failed and the leaders and politics that followed is not the crime you think it is.
Jesus fucking Christ this is not the revolutionary left we need. Grow the fuck up.
edit: That’s funny, either you posted your edit while i was typing my response or I didn’t see it some how. either way. I’m sorry for being such a dick. I’m just so fed up with folks online regarding, what i would call state capitalist countries as genuine socialism, and rejecting any criticism of said states, as capitalist loving trash. Somehow Marxism has become a ridged dogma for these people. With the campist and the tankies distorting revolutionary socialism so much i fell like i live in upside down world. again sorry comrade. I would suggest “the two souls of socialism”. side note Trotsky was Lenin’s pick as leader not Stalin. Had he not “defected” he would likely have been killed by Stalin much earlier, like many of the seasoned former Bolsheviks who lead and then tried to defend the revolution against Stalin.
Tankies forget that Trotsky existed.
Jellyfin and rtorrent on a headless linux server. I can help iif u need it
Same for music for me. Only difference now, I get to choose where my money goes. Instead of some streaming company giving next to nothing to the bands I listen to and everything else going to some super popular stuff I don’t enjoy.
Photoprism uploader.