Dump regulations to kill the free market
Dump regulations to kill the free market
Most states aren’t and income tax isn’t the only tax ther’s capital gains sales etc
Exactly if you are a hunter and are too lazy to go hunt you die of starvation. They have no idea how economies and just want the government to do everything for them while they sit home all day and play video games
Lol have you seen the taxes in the US
And it should be that way but some people want to change that because they’re selfish. Most billionaires still pay around 1% tax which is way more money than your average person paying 50%. Also it depends on the place but tax heavens like the islands in the Caribbean don’t really have public infrastructure ( since ther’s no tax) so it’s perfectly fair. And if they visit or do business in a high tax country they’re still paying sales tax or inderectly contributing to income tax through creating more/better job opportunities
If it was voluntary and a flat amount it would be fair, you might like it because it benefits you but it’s completely ridiculous for a billionaire who doesn’t event want to use these insufficient services
Ther’s nothing wrong with having many rail systems serve the same route but the bureaucracts won’t let it happen, which is exactly how monopolies are formed. If the government only approves one company to build a train somewhere of course it’s going to be a monopoly. Monopolies cannot happen in a completely free market, without artificial boundaries competition will always be able to provide a service more attractive to consumers expect if the established company is providing an excellent service
“by the people” you mean the government they’re not on your side. Also you were paying for it inderectly through the ridiculous taxes without even realising it. And the situation would be better if it wasn’t an overegulated industry
Ther’s no competition if you have a bureaucrats approving only specific train lines if you just live it to the free market it’ll be alright
Companies actually have to make their customers happy, if there is adequate competition it will definitely work out, if you look at almost any industry (that isn’t overegulated) the customers are satisfied, companies have real insentives governments don’t.
Ther’s ussually tolls there too
The reason people don’t use public transport is because right now it absolutely sucks in most places if you want more people to use them then they need to be privatised so a business that actually has an insentive to provide a good service can take over and make them great ( for example look at Japan). This way you can also lower taxes a bit which is great for the economy
Yeah but for it to be free they’d have to raise taxes so it’s better to just privatise them which would lower taxes and provide a better service
It’s a service that costs money to maintain
Yeah but only one can have x.com
I don’t think elon can afford to do that because it would look really bad for his other brands. I think he is better off trying to keep it somewhat alive
Who knows
It’s kinda cool that he owns that
lol at least it’s a rare domain
What you don’t understand is money, money is an abstraction of the value you created through your labor, when you buy something you exchange your labour for someone else’s labour.
What you are asking is for you to provide no labour but get free food from another person’s labour ( also known as slavery ).
No matter the economic system the simple reality that things like food and housing aren’t free are true, so someone has to work.
The free market simulates everyone using their strengths since people end up in the jobs they are best at and are actually needed by other people ( if you want to make art all day it better be good enough for another people to exchange their labour for it). In capitalism you are forced to be useful to others
People’s lifes today are better than they have ever be, instead of being jealous that some people have it better because of their contributions to the economy ( other people valued their labour highly so they got paid more) maybe be grateful of the living conditions you are given. If you really want to live in a mansion work hard for it and maybe one day you’ll get it.
I know it’s trendy to hate on capitalism but please study some economics before trying to demolish the very thing that enables you to have a phone and post here