Yeah, I like to think I’m immune to advertising until I see one that makes me think “damn, I haven’t had Burger Restaurant in a while.” The worst part is that I’m fully cognizant of what’s happening, and yet I still want some and it’ll make me think about it for a while afterward, simply because I’m familiar with the food and how it (usually) tastes.
But, joke’s on you, Burger Restaurant! I’m fucking broke, son! Now we’re BOTH having our time wasted
Wow, epic! I rate this comment 5/7 with rice! You’ve won the internet for today, my friend! I’ll pet my heckin chonky pupperino in your honor! You’re breathtaking!
This is better than that time my arms were broken and my mom took care of me (don’t worry, we’re not from Alabama! LOL 😂)