Same, I was ready to just buy the first chinese mini pc that had the 128G strix halo processor. This is way better as it will have actual support and likely be better made.
Same, I was ready to just buy the first chinese mini pc that had the 128G strix halo processor. This is way better as it will have actual support and likely be better made.
It does ok with that. better than the default model, but worse than the built in search on my phone.
The best one I have found was one of the newer ones that was added a few months ago. ViT-B-16-SigLIP__webli
Really impressed with the accuracy even with multi word search like “espresso machine”
Yea, he was CEO of VMware from 2012 to early 2021. All the issues VMware has now came from broadcom buying them which happened well after he left.
That sounds like he doesn’t understand how to use one pedal driving.
Are the 320mhz wide channels going to be actually usable in the real world though? wider channels increase chance of interference. That’s why nearly everyone recommends 80mhz wide channels on 5ghz even though 160mhz channels have been available for a while. You dont usually see speed increases in the real world with the 160mhz channels except in specific situations.
You wont want to disable 2.4 and 5GHz on wifi 7. The reason it gets so much higher speeds than 6e is that it can send data on all 3 spectrum simultaneously. If you turn off 2.4 and 5GHz you would essentially be limiting yourself to 1/2 speed.
No, it’s because the windows scheduler literally cannot handle that many cores. it simply does not know how to allocate work effectively.
wtf does this have to do with technology? it’s just some post on reddit making an unsubstantiated claim.
my info could be out of date on this, but the last time i looked into it, the khadas vim3 was the most powerful arm sbc with mainline linux support.
i had a similar issue when rebasing to kinoite, the libvirt service wasn’t set to start on boot after, so check to make sure it’s actually running.
The sponsorskip extension already has the functionality to get around something like this.
unfortunately no, there are several communities where if i ask for some specific information, i am told to go onto the discord because there are guides and information there. specifically, i have noticed this a lot with mechanical keyboard communities, but i know it’s happening elsewhere too. I simply don’t understand it myself, trying to find something on these is like trying to find something in a twitch stream. it’s infuriating.
Someone should tell Elon that an unprofitable website and a non-profit website are not the same thing.
Yea i don’t get the hate boner for brave. I get it’s sketchy and don’t use it myself, but they aren’t sneakily installing some VPN to redirect all your web traffic without you knowing. They tell you about it right up front because it’s a service they want to sell.
If you don’t like the browser, don’t use it. There isn’t a need to go on some crusade to smear them with bullshit.
From what it sounds like, he’s not saying the algorithm is compromised itself, but rather that NIST is recommending a weaker version of it as sufficiently safe at (possibly) the request of the NSA. If that is the case we would know for sure pretty quickly once DISA updates their STIGs for internal use to include quantum resistant encryption. If the STIGs say to use a stronger version than NIST recommends then he was right.
you should eat it hashed and salted in protest.
ah yes, Linux clipboard documentation: https://developer.android.com/develop/ui/views/touch-and-input/copy-paste
I mean I get it and i don’t blame them for doing it, but it just makes googles claim of youtube premium being “ad free” insulting. Why would I give them money when they can’t even pay their content creators consistently enough, forcing them into alternative revenue systems? I’d rather just block ads on youtube and pay my favorite creators directly.
Have you looked at grapheneOS? Its essentially a fork of the android open source project with extra privacy features. So, regular android apps still work for the most part, but you dont have google spyware built in.