In before the XKCD reference!
In before the XKCD reference!
Worf may be a badass, but there are many that are just badder than he is. But as the Jem Hadar guy said “I cannot defeat this man, I can only kill him”.
I also had to (under KDE)
Edit the settings for each of the folders in Dolphin (The file manager)
Edit the location of the desktop folder in the settings found by right-clicking the desktop and going into “Configure Desktop and Wallpaper” Location.
Edit the show item by choosing Custom Location, and adding the XDG directory for the desktop. This setting may not stick.
Why aren’t all of these just normal directories under either .local (for data files) or .config (for configuration)???
Actually, I think the XDG directories should be under a single XDG directory either dotted or not (a better name would be OK with me) ~/xdg/Documents, ~/xdg/Music, ~/xdg/Pictures etc.
But that was just Q’s ad hominem response to an even better exchange: Q: What must I do to convince you people (that he is mortal and without powers) Worf: die.
Sorry I know you said “not epic” but most things Worf says are epic.
Perhaps I just refuse to click thru things that look to me like I might be signing up for something. No worries.
Not all of us have Apple Music Accounts.
Of course you do. Nvidia wants you to buy the expensive card instead. Since they are almost the same card in some instances the only difference is knowing that you can change values in certain registers to make cheapcard act like expensivecard. I personally use Intel graphics and won’t have nvidea.
Nvidia does not ‘hate’ Linux, Nvidia simply never thinks about Linux. They need to keep secrets so people can’t buy the cheap card and with a little programming turn it into the expensive card.
What about when your bank adds this?
I go in to the teller anyway. And if my bank gets rid of all the tellers I will choose between the bank of mattress or ATMs.
The way gravity plating works is not given as far as I know, Perhaps the gravity generators simply alter the number of gravitons in an area of plating. Once that value is set it remains until changed again. A sudden power spike can cause the generators to withdraw the extra gravitons, as a result sometimes certain kinds of emergency can “turn off” gravity in an area of the ship.