Yes , that’s how I run it in my Proxmox. Just create the lxc, wget the installer and run it.
Yes , that’s how I run it in my Proxmox. Just create the lxc, wget the installer and run it.
Can’t confirm it, but I remember reading that it also has a “duress” PIN that you can use if being forced to unlock, that erases the entire phone.
Exactly. Phones have dedicated hardware that stores the trigger word and wakes up the OS when it detects it.
Voltage is measured in parallel and current in series. You need both to calculate the power.
Yes, I agree it’s a lot.
I think that with “recruiting” and “HR services” they mean outsourced services, so maybe not all of it goes directly to the employees.
It’s not only salaries:
about half of Signal’s overall operating budget goes towards recruiting, compensating, and retaining the people who build and care for Signal. When benefits, HR services, taxes, recruiting, and salaries are included, this translates to around $19 million dollars per year.
It says that they have 50 full time employees.
Yes!! I used Linux back then (still do) and I absolutely hated M$, but I loved the Intellimouse.
The option was there, but it wasn’t ready for every day use. The performance impact was significant. The couple times I tried it, it was practically unusable. The UI also showed a warning about performance when you enabled it
I code in C/C++. Work laptop is windows, but the products run on various Linux and Unix flavors, as well as in Windows. So I use Clion on win, that syncs the code changes to a Linux VM for building and testing. The toolchain is in a docker image, so I can change the build and test environments without affecting each other. Since I need to test on different OSs, I have multiple VMs in a server at the office.
AFAIK the sync is end to end encrypted