Yeah, it’s kind of like their signature, but it’s always sneakily hidden as an Easter egg of sorts. Always fun to try to find them
“We are all domestic terrorists”
transgenderism has been a prominent aspect of virtually all human cultures dating back to the dawn of civilization. it wasn’t until the Victorian era and colonialism that it was demonized. it’s not some new phenomena caused by microplastics
“Reps choose…him or her” lol I’d eat my shorts if the GOP ever nominated a woman for their presidential bid in my lifetime
So we can’t criticize a government invading a foreign nation under false pretenses because a different government is also invading a foreign nation under false pretenses?
Two things can be bad at the same time.
The Catholic Church has the power and influence to cover those things up and pressure victims into silence. Hollywood has a huge power imbalance as well. Where in the world does the LGBTQ+ community have such power? The only answer these fascists can give is “the Jews”.
If there was large scale abuse going on in the LGBTQ+ community, it would have been found out for sure; especially considering how many hateful zealots spend their retirement actively hunting the imaginary abuse. (I’m also not saying there’s no abuse because well, humans suck. just that it isn’t large scale, organized, and actively defended like churches and corporate hierarchies)
I really like using .env files, but you can hard code env vars in the compose file itself if you want.
but it’s MUCH cheaper, so keeping with every other shitty idea he’s ever had, Musk was REALLY banking on Tesla engineers to make a crazy breakthrough so he could reap billions in reward.
It worked at SpaceX because of a perfect concoction of all the best rocket scientists and engineers wanting to work at SpaceX, since it was one of the only space programs not owned by a government and could push the boundaries, the technology being possible and wildly practical to implement, and massive government subsidies.
Tesla is in the car market, which is notoriously competitive and, while they do have massive government subsidies, they don’t have the best engineers and musk’s insistence that they “figure out” how to shove autonomous driving into a medium that simply doesn’t provide enough information drives even the better engineers away.
I really wish my government would stop funding his ego and let his fantasy projects die already.