Your experience mirrors mine, where you must refer to the Rust and/or JS code to have a chance in hell.
Your experience mirrors mine, where you must refer to the Rust and/or JS code to have a chance in hell.
Yep… and if you and I got discouraged, how many other developers did as well? This is why good docs are essential for a healthy ecosystem.
No, I was just chewing on various ideas to integrate with Lemmy and was disappointed with the docs I saw. They seemed OK-ish if you wanted to use the JS client, but not great if you want to do something else.
On similar projects, I’m used to seeing OpenAPI/Swagger/etc. where you have docs on the incoming bodies/fields, what values they can contain, etc.
Right now it’s really bare bones. I see things like ‘auth’ OPTIONAL but not really sure what would go in there.
I can RTFS like another poster said, but of course that’s not as convenient as “general purpose” API docs with examples / tutorial.
I was curious to see if the reply was going to be:
OK, if it’s so easy and the workers create all the value, those workers are free to start their own competing company and become the billionaires.
Because there are also CEOs and similar executives that do NOT fuck up and make billions for their companies. Big risk, but big reward.
modern content ownership is grey
It’s worse than grey. It doesn’t exist unless you hold physical media in your hand.
anyone that torrented it still has a copy 😜
Reddit still has hundreds of millions of active users per month. They may have lost some people, but this many eyeballs has a huge potential for profit.
This is pretty brilliant. Only problem would be I guess people would want a large audience, but hey, gotta get the ball rolling somehow.
I’m curious why this is classified as “losing battle”… seems pretty successful so far to me.
Smaller domains are blocked all the time, ask your local email admin… just because you’re not getting messages about it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen
get off my lawn