I like it when Germans write bilingual comments. It’s so wholesome.
I like it when Germans write bilingual comments. It’s so wholesome.
Alright boss, I’m cockin’ out for the night
I thought it was pretty cool I could migrate my RISC CPU design from Logisim to Verilator, and even throw in some GTK so I could display some video, and have it all just work.
The Internet, where men are men, women are men, and children are FBI agents.
Oh God, it’s all over now, the bed bug experts have been compromised
That was basically how it went down when my friend tried to teach me how to play Go
This meme format is so dumb, I love it
My impression was he heard about Antifa burning down cities and attacking the capitol, and now he’s threatening to become like that. But strictly nonviolently, of course.
That phrase is just objectively cool beans, though
For me it’s basically a guaranteed boner activator
Lmao fucking autocorrect
Janeway - murderous coffee-addicted criminal
Sicko - murderous Klingon coffee-addicted criminal
Vagina dentata
Well that’s your own fault for overstimulating the cat by shuffles notes doing nothing whatsoever.
My boy caught a mouse once. He really worked for it too, he had little bits of moss stuck to his nose when I found him. When I told him it was time to go inside he just shook his head to kill it and headed for the door like it would just be okay to bring it in lol. Had to pry it out of his mouth.
Internet historians are going to fucking hate us
According to the article they took away the override setting in GTK4 and they aren’t bringing it back
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