This is a good point. I use windows for gaming and Linux as my daily driver.
Linux. But that’s my preference. There’s no wrong answer. Whichever makes you happy.
I’d say switch now, if you’re going to switch eventually anyways, why wait?
A fair and valid point.
I like that these shows give us, the audience, the ability to see into a world which we may not already get a chance to do so on a regular basis, from different viewing angles, while still managing to keep the stories interesting in their own way.
I liked both shows. Each was great in their own merit.
Perhaps you could use a pair of tongs? Maybe BBQ tongs.
This is how they do it. They wedge themselves in via convenience with the hopes that we’ll stay on their ecosystem eventually.
I hope you’ll soon find the time to regain your independence from them. Best of luck.
This perfectly encompasses the situation.