“They banned mercenaries so we’ll just call them something different”
“They banned mercenaries so we’ll just call them something different”
we stay in our homes
70% of their homes have been turned into rubble so I doubt they’ll be returning there.
As an Australian enjoying summer right now I honestly think it’s a bit chilly on days we don’t get to 25C.
We see 50C in Australia from time to time now thanks to global warming.
A perfect temperature to slow cook beef ragu!
Or rather bad press for Daihatsu, who this is actually about.
The headline is terrible and misleading.
Trolley buses are a weird niche. They require permanent overhead cable infrastructure like trams do but don’t have the other benefits of trams - higher capacity, greater speed, better ride and no tyre pollution. I figure if you’re going to install a trolley bus route you probably might as well install rails at the same time and get the benefits of trams. (Aka streetcars for the North Americans out there)
The City of London did assessments on trolley buses and found that the added capacity of trams made them the better choice pretty much anywhere trolley buses were proposed, despite the slightly higher install cost.
Hey Prince Andrew, if the truth hurts then maybe it’s you that’s in the wrong?
We have ranked voting in Australia. It works pretty well.
It’s not uncommon among high level classical musicians apparently.
Personally, I prefer Spotify.
As far as I know only the US would even humor such stupidity. In my country (Australia) they wouldn’t even let it go to court since the common law right to legal justice overrides contract law.
Both ISO8601 and RFC3339 are YYYY-MM-DD. The difference is in how the date and time are separated.
You’re just saying that all comparable systems are also horrible. VTOL fixed wing aircraft are expensive and unsafe unfortunately.
The name was in common usage a long time before that protocol. I don’t think they can claim any kind of rights over it.
It’s a genuine biosecurity risk in Australia. Australia (and NZ) are very susceptible to pathogens from outside so this kind of thing is taken very seriously in both countries.
Cars should be taxed proportional to the fourth power of their kerb weight, in line with the road wear they cause.
They recently passed a law which said you could install picture hooks “within reason” without being penalised by your landlord. Prior to that if you installed a picture hook you’d likely be charged for the cost of re-plastering the wall when you left. Although they wouldn’t actually re-plaster it, they’d just charge you as if they had and then the next renter would have a picture hook so lucky them.
But major mods like installing a TV mount are totally out unless you can negotiate it with the landlord somehow. If you did it without permission it’s grounds for eviction and a loss of your bond.
Pretty much none allow it in my country.
You could do something like this velomobile at under 350kg (750lb).
Sounds like they should arrest Microsoft for that, like they did with Mega. /s