Life is hard enough as it is. I’m tired. I’m exhausted. Give me hope for a better tomorrow that I honestly can’t see. Gimme Star Trek.

That being said, what do you think is the funniest episode of TNG and the scariest episode? I can’t make up my damn mind on what to watch. I’m starting with Schisms because fuck that holodeck clicking scene.

Also after posting this and taking a look at the home screen, I feel like I’m dangerously close to spamming. If I haven’t already. If it becomes a problem please let me know. Gonna back off a bit today.

    2 years ago

    Your post reminds me of an interaction I had in the train last week. This old guy sat next to me and asked me if there was a toilet on the train. I said there wasn’t on short tracks like these. That rubbed the old man the wrong way and he started complaining how there used to be toilets in his time and that train service used to be better. Eventually his rant turned to the government and how the train was a jew train and life as a whole was nothing but an annoyance to him. All I coudl keep say was that he was right, everything sucks, so that’s why I was on my way home to grab a beer and watch some netflix and maybe he should do the same. I told him to write a letter to the government as well. I hope he does, maybe they’ll put him on some list.

    Anyways. Life is short and you’ve only got one as far as you know, so you’ve gotta make it the best life you can. You ain’t got time or energy to worry about things you can’t affect and things that don’t matter.