Nothing like being exhausted and jittery at the same time
I got that. It turned out to be ADHD and it required stronger stimulants.
Having coffee with ADHD sometimes feels like pouring gasoline on a fire…
I get the jitters whenever I drink coffee, but my exhaustion and tiredness stayed the same.
No, you’ll be tired but faster at it.
fun fact: the brain can build tolerance for caffeine very fast(days to weeks) to the point that basically all regular caffeine consumers have to have their regular dose of caffeine often at specific time of day just to be just as awake as they would be if they didnt have any caffeine. so caffeine only really helps if you take more than your normal daily dose irregularly(~every 3ish days at most on average)
I cut back from daily energy drinks to daily morning coffee and my effective energy doubled. Then I cut back from daily morning coffee to once a week or less single serving caffeinated drink, and my energy effectively doubled again. It definitely does more harm than good used regularly.
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I love coffee. Sometimes when I drink it I’m totally fine. Other times when I drink it it feels like my stomach and insides are exploding and puts me out sick for the whole day. No, it’s not lactose intolerance. And it’s not fixed with decaf. It’s just that my body hates coffee even though I love it. :(
Oh, I’ll be tired af all day with or without caffeine but oh boy will it make me awake when I try to go to sleep!
Brain: give me sleep
You: best I can do is a drink with a stimulant legal drug
My ADHD brain when I give it caffeine: Let’s see how I should react to it this time flips coin
Oh look, an overpowering urge to lie down and sleep in the middle of the work day, just what I drink coffee for! (Not)
Drink me!
So I can save you.
From what?
From what I’m going to do to you if you don’t drink me.
Yes: wide awake as in exhausted as fuck and unable to sleep if your life depended on it
There is a window where I can drink coffee in the morning and still pretend to sleep at night, and every year it seems about 30m gets shaved off it.
I can drink espresso after a date night and sleep 30 minutes later, but god forbid I have a fucking caffeinated soda with lunch.
o: woah. Generally coffee doesn’t wake me up but if I make it too strong my mind just won’t shut down for sleep time. I haven’t had soda in a very long time (outside of some rare occasions). It’s just easier cutting it out.
I don’t drink coffee (nor eneregy drinks), and seeing these posts, I probably shouldn’t start.
Caffeine doesn’t actually help you wake up, it only blocks the sensation of being tired. So it’s actually way worse than drinking nothing.
That’s a little over-simplified. It blocks the sensation of being tired and also has several significant mental effects (including improved reaction time, wakefulness, and hand-eye coordination), as well as physical effects (including increasing basal metabolic rate and improving athletic performance under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions).
So, is caffeine a wonder drug that fixes sleep deprivation with no negative side effects? No. Is it “way worse than drinking nothing” for people that need to stay awake and pay attention with a less-than-ideal amount of sleep? Absolutely not.
I just realized the other week I can just buy caffeine pills and skip making coffee.
I never liked coffee and only really wanted the caffeine so it’s a win win!
Way cheaper too!
Society: don’t do drugs
Also society: here, have some caffeine
This stimulant bad. This stimulant good!
Cocaine vs Caffeine.
I still say I’m not addicted and I can give up my scalding bean water any time I want. But I don’t want, so people should leave me to drink my coffee in peace.
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Like with any chemical, a short T break can go a looong way!