Just four days out from a government shutdown, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has declared a bipartisan Senate stopgap measure dead on arrival.
Senators, having apparently lost faith in McCarthy’s ability to stave off a shutdown, negotiated a bill late Tuesday night that funds the government until Nov. 17 and includes $12 billion in aid and disaster relief for Ukraine. It’s expected to be voted on by the end of the week before being sent over to the House, and is intended to buy lawmakers more time to hash out a longer-term deal, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said.
But, according to Punchbowl News, McCarthy said in a closed-door meeting on Wednesday morning that he wouldn’t take up a bill that includes Ukraine funding but no border security measures. “I don’t see the support in the House,” he reportedly said.
Aid for Ukraine has been one of several sticking points for ultraconservative hardliners in the House who have repeatedly sabotaged McCarthy’s efforts to get spending bills passed.
“Government shutdowns” are, among other things, wage theft from government employees.
In the Gingrich shutdowns of the 1990s, even active-duty military members’ pay was delayed without compensation for up to three weeks. Yes, that’s right: the Republicans literally stole paychecks from our soldiers and sailors just to stick it to Bill Clinton. (And maybe to give a little handout to their buddies in the payday loan business.)
More recent shutdowns have spared active-duty DoD, but still perpetrated wage theft against members of the Coast Guard and other defense-critical services. That was the case in the 2018-2019 shutdown, for example.
You can’t convince me you care about border security if you don’t fucking pay the Coast Guard.
It also shuts down the WIC program, which helps ensure food security for 7,000,000 women and children.
Yeah, but who cares about them, we have to look all tough and whatnot with our talk of border walls and self-reliance and Galt Gulch fantasies.
Why waste money on the coast guard when we can build a perfect wall!
Has anyone not seen Pacific Rim…
I jest but I am one of the thousands of govt employees that will be furloughed if the govt shuts down.
I really hate to get into conspiracy theory territory but I think Jan 6 was a precedent setting situation to further the GOP agenda to make any kind of march because of this BS that is being pulled by certain politicians to try to remove them will be met with the whole see the other side is doing it and they are bad.
I really hope I am wrong and I am reading the situation wrong, but with the way things are going…who the fuck knows.
I’m sorry, but I have zero sympathy for military service members.
The GOP has repeatedly spat in their face and they continue to vote for them in overwhelming fassion, because “macho” or some bullshit.
Other federal workers I do feel bad for.
Fuck the GOP.
Who are disproportionately poor and POC (especially women) while also being very young. I don’t think you realize how much these people are sociopathically targeted by scumbag military recruiters.
The Military doesn’t uniformly vote right- it’s just the senior/ranking/whiter folks that tend to do that. The noncoms (who tend to be young, brown) tend to vote in line with their civilian cohorts.
In other words, the military are politically representative of/in line with their civilian peers, politically
Gonna need a source that says that an overwhelming majority of service members vote R.
Obviously some of them do, but an overwhelming majority?
I’ve heard it’s at best 50/50, while a lot of officers are Dems.
Because when Republicans are in power, military make more. Ask any active military member, and they’ll tell you they always make more money when a Republican President is in power.
Why other federal workers? I know several who vote red, too. In fact, the majority I know do, which boggles my mind. It’s especially funny to see my old squaddies who stayed in for the retirement and want to complain about socialism.
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