Can only speak for Germany: Tips are kind of expected in sit-down restaurants with wait staff. Not tipping sends the message that you were unsatisfied with the service, and can lead to a second of silence before you’re handed your change and receipt. A 10% tip will have the waiter thanking you enthusiastically, and the normal range is somewhere in between (round up to the nearest sensible round amount).
Can only speak for Germany: Tips are kind of expected in sit-down restaurants with wait staff. Not tipping sends the message that you were unsatisfied with the service, and can lead to a second of silence before you’re handed your change and receipt. A 10% tip will have the waiter thanking you enthusiastically, and the normal range is somewhere in between (round up to the nearest sensible round amount).
US customary tips are now 22%
I refuse. 18-20% is for outstanding service, not normal service. Personally, I would rather see tipping go away