Whose life? He can’t possibly live that much longer tbh
Whose life? He can’t possibly live that much longer tbh
Yes, I have hear this much
I say PSQL as Pee Sequel
What do we need to get this to %100?
This screams that people with different opinions aren’t people with valid opinions and lead to further dialectic conversation, and I reject that premise.
Conservatives should be welcome. Everyone should be welcome.
Turns out it’s mankind
This has always been the case.
Where we’re going we don’t need facts
Exactly, kind of. Religious fundamentalism is a fascinating concept, because basically it is exactly that - taking the fundamental ideas of the religion and using that interpretation to derive perspective and subsequent law or policy.
In a very real, significant way it’s a better representation of the religion than the watered down, culturally accepted version that moderate religious individuals will say is the ‘real’ version.
Orthodox is fundamentalism, and anything otherwise is not the actual religion, even if that is the majority, like modern Christianity.
Am I the only one worried about it scratching my eyes???
FIY, Al-Lah literally means the ( one and only ) God. It’s never, meant as a name the way you understand it, likes like a transcendent title, a position in a way. It’s never been a literal name.
I don’t think you understand the joke. Usually people switch to Linux dual booting coming from Windows, I was making the opposite joke - starting from Linux and dual booting into Windows and then switching.
PS. I once set up BURG and quad booted 4 Linux distros, get on my level
That’s how I started using Windows, it’s a slippery slope, didn’t fall for it!
The conceptual framework is entirely different though. It’s regarded as a treatment for homosexuality at worst, or at best medical treatment of a birth defect.
Iran isn’t a hub for transgender surgery because they have the same idea about what transgender means as the US does, it’s more like they accept the idea that some men were supposed to be born as women and they concede it to be a medical issue that demands treatment.
My words aren’t explaining it the best, but I’m familiar with the mentality and the ideas that prop up that mentality.
I low key love it. It’s unconventional, but it’s not hard to read
How can you be against porn? It’s neither good or bad, it exists and I basically don’t watch it, but I recognize that others do, why is that a problem that needs solving? To be clear, I’m reading your response as against porn in all forms and for all audiences based on your wording, is that what you mean?
US customary tips are now 22%
I do. Still reminds me of that game even if I don’t think they are related concepts.
This is the beginning of the end of this war