Host it on the tor network.
Host it on web 3.0.
Host it outside the US.
Host it over torrents and i2p.
We really need to strip back copyright protection and limit it to 10-20 years.
5 to 7 honestly. There needs to be more pressure on companies to actually execute on their ideas instead of sitting on them for years
Copyright protects already executed ideas, stripping that protection down to less than a decade would be completely unhelpful.
Not quite. You can’t turn movies into books or games, or vice versa, for example. Sometimes such projects get stuck in limbo. Or think about how everyone hated the final season of Game of Thrones. Can’t do anything about that in our life times.
Whoooooo boy, The internet in the united states you’re using right now, is going to be unrecognizable in the next 12 months, all free services will charge, cost for access will increase, speed will be symied, vpn usage will be curtailed, and archive, library, and pirate sites will be blocked.
We just re-elected a fascist tyrant who wants to close as many avenues of education and free speech which can be used to educate, organize, and publish against him as he possibly can, as well as funnel as much cash to media and tech oligarchs to keep them onside, and now he’s got both the house and senate with which to do just that.
He doesn’t have the House yet.
He doesn’t?
I’m not being sarcastic or making a joke. I thought he won all three categories.
The House is still being counted. It’s very close, but not over yet.