Interesting that he says:
Back in 2011, although NPR’s audience tilted a bit to the left, it still bore a resemblance to America at large. Twenty-six percent of listeners described themselves as conservative, 23 percent as middle of the road, and 37 percent as liberal.
By 2023, the picture was completely different: only 11 percent described themselves as very or somewhat conservative, 21 percent as middle of the road, and 67 percent of listeners said they were very or somewhat liberal. We weren’t just losing conservatives; we were also losing moderates and traditional liberals.
And then blames this on NPR. The GOP has been labeling NPR and other legitimate news sources as “fake news” and corrupt for years now. They are constantly pushing their constituents to only get their news from the right-wing bubble where they can control the message.
It’s no wonder that conservatives aren’t listening to NPR. But that is not NPR’s fault nor should NPR change their reporting as a result. Their job is to report fair and unbiased news. If a group of the population doesn’t want fair and unbaised news, they shouldn’t start spewing bullshit just to appease these people.
Bullshit. NPR put themselves in this situation and lost conservative listeners because they no longer cared to report news that the Right would care about. And that, starts at the top from people who want to push a certain narrative. I listen to a ton of radio news stations on my Sirius XM every day (I drive a lot for work) and they constantly attacked the Right, ONLY have liberal guests on, and ONLY reported news from a liberal position. And this has been going on for years. Every single political news that came out of NPR was how the Left was great, and the Right was killing America. It’s been the same liberal, leftist bullshit for years now. THAT’S why they started losing conservatives.
Daily listener to NPR.
Literally nothing said is true here.
So, NPR doesn’t lean Left?
If you listen to NPR, you’d know that they only lean one way.
Lol…I just had to respond to this because I was listening to NPR YESTERDAY and it had a guy on there speaking with TWO anti Trump guys about why he shouldn’t be President…not once did they bring on someone from a different perspective. What a joke.
He was an antivax conspiracy theorist who was convinced there was no Trump/Russia connection.
NPR definitely has shifted left over the years. Reading his release, he had me with the first part. Then he goes and jumps the rails to Madeupville, Crazytown.
They haven’t shifted anywhere. Being “left” these days means not being an insurrectionist… it’s the conservatives who’ve moved further right; and in any case, NPR as a whole is very accurate on their reporting.
It’s that mentality that further perpetuates extremes.
I’m not at all accusing them of compromised reporting. They’re well known for being factual, and one of my long-term favorite sources. Once they commit to a piece, they usually leave me with no questions. They just tend to spend more time focusing on the left than the right.