Just based on how often I notice someone mispronounce a word without realizing it (or have done so myself and realized it later). Statistically I’m probably still doing it with some word.

  • agent_flounder@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    For me it isn’t “some” word it is “many, many” words.

    charcuterie (shar-KOO-terr-ee) (TIL)

    potable (POH-tah-bull)

    prerogative (preh-ROG-ah-tiv) – wait, wat? Damn. I say it (pur-OHG-ah-tiv)

    preternatural (pree-ter-NAT-chur-al)

    remuneration (reh-myoo-ner-AY-shun) – I’m not admitting how I say it lol

    surprise - let’s just say I spelled it suprise for ages. sigh

    victual (vittle) - wait, that’s how you spell it??

    Indefatigable (IN-dih-FA-tih-gə-bl) not in-dee-fa-TEEG-able

    Primer: \PRIMM-er\ – small book / short informative piece of writing. (Brits can use long-i for both the paint undercoat and the book).

    Mischievous: \MISS-chuh-vuss\ though mis-CHEE-vee-us is a non standard alternate pronunciation.

    Interlocutor: \in tuhr LOCK you tore. I had no idea how to pronounce this so I never said it.

    I think some “mispronunciations” are down to regional pronunciation. Like, I say miniature as MIN-ih-chure by habit though I’m well aware of how it’s spelled and “should” be pronounced. I swear that’s how I heard it growing up.

    Maybe it isn’t regional and it is just me. That would explain some things lol.

    And uh, yeah I have a bunch more, some I know but am forgetting at the moment. Undoubtedly I mispronounce many more while having no idea. What must people think of me? Lol

    • RvTV95XBeo@sh.itjust.works
      1 year ago

      Look, I was on board until you started throwing out made up words like preternatural, victual, and indefatigable, then I knew you were pulling my leg.