And has this guy never seen a chorse before?
(Okay, I got nothing after that one. Based on my limited knowledge of French, this is appears to be a terrible translation issue- tree = arbre, horse = cheval, house = maison.)
And has this guy never seen a chorse before?
(Okay, I got nothing after that one. Based on my limited knowledge of French, this is appears to be a terrible translation issue- tree = arbre, horse = cheval, house = maison.)
Ok, so assume it’s French. The words now make sense. But, look at the pictures.
Does that look anything like a helicopter / hélicoptère? What does that pink round thing have to do with snow / neige? Why does the image for a tail / queue look like a radish? And what’s with the letter for Y? Common Y words in french for kids are things like “yak”, “yaourt” (yogurt), “yeux” (eyes), “yeti”, “yacht”, “yoga”, “yo-yo”. They seem to have chosen “yole”, which in english is “yawl”, defined as “a two-masted fore-and-aft-rigged sailboat with the mizzenmast stepped far aft so that the mizzen boom overhangs the stern.” And yet, although the image appears to be a sailboat (voilier), it’s a one-masted sailboat.
This looks incredibly ai generated
That’s because it obviously is. Idk how people look at that book and think it was made by a human with the understanding of language.
It’s not, though. The book is just in French.
Ahh yes, the French word for “star” is “slπr”
Looks like Google translate without proofreading.
Because it is. If you zoom on the “Alphabetical” on the right the letters looks smushed together, same goes for the letters under Q and T.
Has nobody here ever used a pen before? Lol
Doesn’t look like pen artefacts to me
To me it looks like a genuine book with an instant “Google Translate using Camera” type layer overtop, that tries to translate the words into another language while matching the look and feel of the original.
The Google Translate camera things puts big obvious rectangles of text over the replaced text, not this AI slopfest
Right, so it presumably isn’t Google.
Because of the awful AI upscaling