Harbor Freight is awesome, but as with everything else, you should know what you’re buying, and know what you actually need.
Most people don’t need to pay a premium for something they’ll use just once, or maybe a handful of times, and never touch again.
For most people, they don’t really know what they need, so buy Harbor Freight the first time, if you use so much it breaks, then buy a quality replacement, because you proved you actually need it.
Harbor Freight is awesome, but as with everything else, you should know what you’re buying, and know what you actually need.
Most people don’t need to pay a premium for something they’ll use just once, or maybe a handful of times, and never touch again.
For most people, they don’t really know what they need, so buy Harbor Freight the first time, if you use so much it breaks, then buy a quality replacement, because you proved you actually need it.
Bruh, I bought a torque wrench from them before, and when I tested it, it literally felt like they packed it with sand instead of oil or grease.
My roommate bought a 3 ton hydraulic jack from them, and with only like 3 uses, it’s already leaking, just for existing apparently.
Fuck Harbor Freight.