As an example, i use mint as the base of my kvm/qemu virtual machine since i run an arc 380 on base and nvidia gpu for the guest. I made the mistake of updating my experimental kernel and forgot to set quiet and mint menu on grub to select the kernel at boot time. I popped in the install disc i had used previusly and fixed it by using the inlcuded programs to edit the grub and undo my kernel update. Fixed and i saved a timevault snapshot of the fix in case i mess up again. Linux mint saved me from reinstalling my entire os from a simple mistake.
I also use them for voip #s. I have a calyx phone so thanks to micro g im getting the notifications as they come in. If you want to make it more private. You can buy google cards with cash at a store to upload to your google account. Also use private card service to create a virtual card for payments.