The sensor must be broken after this shot was taken
It’s me, Jack. Joseph Bidome! The banana controversy is just my opponent trying to distract you from my fantastic achievements as BOTUS. Bidome of the United Sticks.
The sensor must be broken after this shot was taken
Exactly what someone who’s just like everyone else would say tbh
Actually, I’m special. The right told me my parents told me so.
These are the sacrifices that have to be made to feed the grid
Anything is a hammer to an electrician, including their fists.
Wow. 3 million rubles is down that much?
Sauce. He won’t hide in sauce.
Damn that’s a lot of sugar!
Tbf I thought these Lipton teas were sugar free these days? I can’t find them with sugar in my country.
So… No president unless everyone agrees? That’s gonna be tough with freedom of speech.
Here I thought it was because of Personal Investigator Z.Z. Andersen
Time to throw these forces out of government.
Credit card misinformation: 5875 6778 8890 7788
The gold was inside of us all along