u/Dangerous-Pizza7054 from the article,
Seems like the user tracking “special promotion” overrides the premium. They don’t even say whether it’s expected or not. But my take away is that paying for premium may or may not show you ads, but you are definitely tracked and harvested for data. (Maybe even more so, since, well, you are more valuable to them.)
// TODO: Leave the code cleaner than you found
Or you can just, uh, add powders to the sample.
NERV is a private service, which rebroadcasts government emergency warnings with better representations.
The high price is a result of monopolistic exclusivity.
The difference is that fixed capital matters little to the rate of profit, so they can spend a lot of money and it still evens out over the period of operation. The food and wage, on the other hand, affects the rate of profit a lot. So we can usually see restaurants with “fancy” decors, but with shitty food and low wages.
Is it comfortable to use with a single hand? Asking for a friend.
Why are they even on the same bus?
Opening a purse but only getting flies flying out usually means that the purse is empty in cartoons. Here the conversation suggested that frogs uses flies as currencies and thus subverts the convention.
Another layer on top is that two flies are required, but the customer only got one, so they’re still broke, just like the conventional representation of being broke.
It’s real, but mainly aims for corrupted former officials, e.g. Operation Fox Hunt. Arresting Hong Kong dissidents might be more politically difficult.
It’s the collaboration edition with the cartoon character タイツくん (Mr. Tights), and there are many more goods like this on their website.
Specifically on this package. At the top there are タイツくん (Mr. Tights) and 大人のドリトス (Doritos for adults, which I should note doesn’t mean it’s adult-restricted, they just put that to many food and drink to mean those can be enjoyed by adults).
In the main image, we have 電気アンマ復活, revival by an electronic massager, which is a mischief game played by one person holding the other person’s legs, stepping on their genitals, and turning around the feet, mimicking an electronic massager, as is shown by the characters.
In the bottom left, it says ブラックペッパーとソルト味, black pepper and salt flavor. In the bracket, 竹炭入り, added bamboo charcoal, which is also quite common in Japanese snacks, because people think it’s healthy.
You told it to disrespect you?
Yes. I’m not a frontend dev, so not familiar with JS code (let alone an obfuscated fragment), but according to this HN comment, it’s used for a different ad block detection function.
Not trying to defend Chrome here as I dislike their other behaviours, but just from what’s presented in the video, an alternative explanation would be caching. That is, when the reloading is triggered by the switch of user-agent, the cache is reused and thus a shorter load time.
To exclude this effect, the user needs to either
Request is not 3D tho.
There’s the GitHub product feedback repo, but as a closed source product (I know, the irony), you can’t point to the code for the problem and nothing other than blind luck can guarantee you a reply, let alone a fix.
On top of that, they are adding ads to the UI, even for paying customers, so there’s that.
I have to print f to show respect.
do { explain } while ( !they.understand )