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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Australia isn’t that much better. Yeah, you’re much less likely to get shot unless it’s by the cops, but housing and grocery prices are insane. Public health is kind of okay at the moment, but it’s slowly and surely being gutted along with most other public services. It’s honestly worse than it was even 2-3 years ago. Disability and unemployment are a labyrinthine nightmare of maliciously incompetent bureaucracy. Workers rights don’t suck in some places, but if you’re coming in on a visa, you may be required to do work in regional areas, and the employers out there 100% know this and will take advantage of it. Some industries have very strong unions (construction). My state has sick pay guarantees for casual workers and jail time is a possibility for wage theft. I think it’s the only one where that’s true tho. Otoh we just voted nationally to continue systemic racism, we have nazis sieg heiling in the streets, our prime minister is a non-event and the opposition leader is an angry potato.

  • Food tech is kinda my area, so I went and did a little research and it turned into quite a ride. For cultural context, grilled (broiled in the US, I think) cheese and Vegemite is kind of a traditional Aussie snack. Just a slice of white bread with butter and Vegemite, slice of cheese on top, stick it under the grill.

    The Kraft singles I remember from my childhood absolutely did not behave like anything resembling real cheese when you did this. It melted on the inside, sure. But the outside just dried out and turned into a kind of plasticky skin, then bubbled and burned. So you were left with this partially blackened and crunchy cling-film like skin disguising a thin layer of vaguely dairy-adjacent molten plastic goop that was guaranteed to stick to and sear the roof of your mouth. Then the skin came off in one piece and slapped you on the chin with the equally hot residue of said plastic goop. For some reason kids loved this.

    I’m not sure when OP last ate them, but the Kraft singles I know got axed in like 2017 when Mondelez sold their cheese line to Bega. That makes it incredibly hard to track down the original formula to figure out what in the world they were really made of. They have, however, since been re-released and claim to be at least 45% cheese, which I suspect is a lot more than the ones I remember, probably does melt, and falls pretty squarely into the “processed cheese” definition according to FSANZ. There’s no way in hell I’m buying some to try it though.

  • Not familiar with Swedish Fish specifically, but generally candy is mostly sugar, which is a preservative in itself so it doesn’t really go off. Also not familiar with the regulations in your area, but in my country foods are generally good for at least three months outside of a “best before” date if kept in their original packaging or at least airtight. Flavour and texture might decline a bit, but they won’t make you sick. It’s the “use by” dates you want to be observant of.