The 14th is self-executing which means that you don’t have to be convicted in order to be disqualified. The reason it’s self-executing is that it was originally designed to prohibit former Confederate officers from holding federal office, and since there was no way that every one of the tens of thousands of former Confederate officers could be tried and convicted, it was written to be self-executing meaning that a simple finding of fact rather than a conviction was sufficient to bar one from running for federal office.
Now, you may not like that and if you’re a constitutional scholar you may even have some decent arguments as to why it doesn’t apply to Trump, but leaving that aside, you are absolutely full of shit when you imply that he needs to be convicted before the 14th applies. That’s why it’s a question for the SCOTUS and not random idiots like yourself.
Sorry for being a dick, I’m just tired of this stupid phony talking point.
Indeed. It was specifically written to be self-executing because it would have been impossible to charge, try and convict all of the tens of thousands of former Confederate officers it was meant to bar from federal office. Because it’s self-executing, a simple finding of fact is sufficient for it to apply. The question then isn’t whether it requires a conviction, but rather whether it applies to Trump.
To me it pretty obviously does apply to him, but I’m definitely biased as fuck.