A recorder, like in Super Mario 3?
“Orders with no tip might take longer to get delivered”
That’s not a tip, that’s a bribe.
And was typically used on the poop deck, by sea men.
USB-C is a connection standard, nothing else. The USB technology in the cabling isn’t what’s being made a standard. It’s like how Cat 5 internet cabling looks identical to Cat 6 internet cabling, but the performance is different.
It doesn’t help the average user, I’ll agree though.
People keep mentioning this whole “trickle down economics”, but I wonder how many know that trickle down economics is illegal after the Dodge vs Ford lawsuit.
a case in which the Michigan Supreme Court held that Henry Ford had to operate the Ford Motor Company in the interests of its shareholders, rather than in a manner for the benefit of his employees or customers. It is often taught as affirming the principle of “shareholder primacy” in corporate America
Most likely it means what the OS allows and won’t allow. In this case, it will focus on iOS and allowing you to install software without using the app store (3rd party stores)
So what you are saying is @Fl4pper was in the wrong for having the peripherals before looking to see if they’d work on Linux. Gotcha.
@Fl4pper said it’s not possible to make music on Linux. Then got the response it is possible, and the responder even went further to help them know what they need to use to make music Linux, which is showing them it is possible. Issue is that @Fl4pper complained that he didn’t do the research, and complained that he didn’t want to change his way of doing things and upset that others aren’t changing to accommodate him and his niche needs. Many people make music on Linux, it’s easily done and there are tons of how tos online on how to do it. Fl4pper just didn’t have the right tools and wanted to blame anyone but themselves for not having the right tools.
If you bought a Prius and wanted to do street racing, would you say street racing isn’t possible with cars since your car wasn’t the right tool for it and lash out at anyone else who pointed out it is possible, just with different cars? Same logic.
It is when he thinks he’s the only gay man that should be allowed
It was, and then Apple bought it out.
Issue is, the scroll circle was a copy of the Braun T3 Pocket Radio made in 1953.
And Apple didn’t start the touchscreen phone revolution. That goes to companies like LG (LG Prada, was was publicly displayed in Sept 2006) and others. Everyone always forgets that Apples first attempt at a phone was the [iTunes Motorola Rokr](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/9be0e02fe71c0b04ec56c25832c28da48c2927f7/0_0_2616_1899/master/2616.jpg?w=300&q=55&auto=format&usm=12&fit=max&s=93e7ac2721c742af5da215a5e9b2876b), and Apple had to watch other companies move the touchscreen phone forward and then copy them.
No, that is Steve Job’s attempt to having re-write history to make Apple look better. The truth is, the prototype you are referring to was called “Sooner”, but at the same time, they were making a prototype called “Dream” (in 2006) that was a full touchscreen.
On top of this, phones were already moving to full touch screens. Windows Mobile 2005 was designed for touchscreen only (MS attempt was the Start menu on the bottom), but it wasn’t a requirement and companies wanted to play it safe. After that came the LG Prada which was a full touchscreen phone.
The wine isn’t chilled, poorly paired, and the spaghetti is cut for the prisoner.
Google bought Android in 2005. The iPhone was announced in 2007. The iPhone didn’t have anything to do with Google and Android. Google had a slower hardware start because it has to convince companies to switch from making Windows Phones to Android Phones.
And so does Apple with Apple Arcade exclusives. This isn’t even talking about the lockdown nature of the devices that are designed from the ground up to kill competition.
Yeah, I’d believe it. My local Ikea has renamed self-checkout to “Express checkout”.
Kobo also has a web browser that supports downloading. Just saying
For art, I’d recommend a Samsung Tab Ultra, bigger screen for drawing. Combine with Krita for Android. Better than Apple iPad, and better priced pound per pound.
Apple is always mentioned because it’s the “sexy” answer, just not the best answer.
To me, I don’t think that should be an issue in anything. That’s up to browser makers. They are able to use whatever they want, and they will use whatever is easiest/best for their usage. They are also free to use WebKit (Safari’s engine), Gecko (Mozilla), or roll their own. This just sounds like you want to punish someone because they made something everyone preferred just because everyone preferred it.
It’s different when you are “forced” to use it (use ours or we won’t let you on our devices, like iOS, or use ours and we will lower/cut our fees for other things you want/need, like many different companies). But when the public is truly free to use what they want and they all want the same thing, then it shouldn’t be used as a reason to punish them.