Shame Kirst seems to be a bit of a dick
Novoselic describes himself as an “anarcho-capitalist socialist moderate I-don’t know”. He has campaigned for political reform. In the 2016 election, he supported Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson
Well, what I seen this image as was the classic divide and conquer strategy of the capitalist classes against the working class and/or arbitrary race category to enable them to control and/or murder at will.
However, this image is actually a complete gas lighting exercise in using toxic characteristics from capitalism to describe communism. I didn’t notice the hammer and sickle, which to be fair makes no fucking sense…
The relevance to the above post was really trying to play on
“The Production of too many useful things results in too many useless people”
which I take as a satirical poke at the deficiencies of capitalism, although it’s of unknown origin as far as I know…
If automation does reach a point where labour isn’t needed, then it may well encourage the likes of Murdoch et al to intensify the encouragement of class war.
Sorry, I clearly don’t pay enough attention to the shit I post :(
A human surplus. This on steroids possibly?
until there isn’t a human surplus in the consideration of those who manipulate the easily led…
You mentioned Cameron seeming to be a bit limp in opposing it and actually campaigning on it originally. Some interesting context
When in fact it wasn’t fine, it’s just a bigots fever dream
9% say it has benefited the NHS
Are 9% of the UK shareholders of plantir or something? Cunts!
Trump spokesperson firing back at Kinzinger’s claim with, “Adam Kinzinger farted on live TV
The age of consent is 16 in the UK, Saville was also a necrophiliac, and that access to hospitals was used for that, so maybe the BBC seen this as pretty tame…
The whole Jimmy saville thing was insane, he had the keys to mental hospitals. The BBC chauffeured him about, very much like they picked up schoolgirls from school for Russell brand to be brought back to his flat.
Saville was great friends with the royals and thatchers government, you’d think the secret services would have known what he was up to… Thatchers home secretary Leon Britton was accused around the same time a lot of others were found out, but Theresa May’s government shut that down.
Reading this back, I’m thinking I can’t post this it’s sounds nuts. Maybe that’s how these fuckers get away with it…
Hadn’t heard about Pesci, probably playing on his Italian gangster fame, what a twat.
Not sure doubt is the right word here, they knew.
Or a more complete solution to you having a problem with it would be you being in the tiny percentage.
It’s not really suddenly. They’ve been trying to help Russia from the beginning. The attack by Hamas on Israel was very fortunate for Russia, since the republicans have been able to conflate the two so now the funding is stuck in limbo, funding Israel doesn’t need for their genocide as it happens. Completely coincidentally Iran, who likely helped get arms to Hama’s is a great friend of Russia. Israel being strangely myopic about that attack when they normally have eyes on everything is also very fortunate for Russia. It seems too elaborate for Russia to have orchestrated this in any way, but Putin has proven to be a conniving cunt in the past.
Totally, if you want to profit gauge from the population, that’s you’re thing. These executives worked hard getting into the privileged position they’re in, they should be allowed to take advantage of it. People are just whiny right?
Maybe Russia could help the climate by not blowing up lots of stuff in Ukraine
That said, why freeze those assets and not just take them, giving them to developing countries as part of a climate change package would be fine as long as it incurs no future legal obligation to Russia. Although, loans sharks just break your legs if you don’t pay, they don’t generally follow legal definitions.
I use Arch.
They’ll have modelled the acoustic signals to differentiate between different keys. Individual acoustic waves eminating from pressing a key will have features extracted from them to identify them. Opimal featues are then choose to maximise accuracy, such as features that still work when the signal is captured at different distances or angles. With all these types of singsl processing inference models, you never get 100 percent. The claim of 95 percent is actually very high.
Those slimy bootlicking fucks on hexbear I imagine are mostly fortunate Russians that haven’t been sent to the front line. I wonder if they feel anything watching their country men die in dirt while posting pig balls on the internet. Strange fucking world. I’d post this on hexbear, but I’ve just been banned by them, typical spineless fascists.
I think all the temporarily embarrassed billionaires are downvoting you. In their meritocracy they will be considered the worthy who can take everything, not these imposters like bezos. (bezos is a cunt…)