thx. Well, what can I say, I guess I like Bash.
This game was inspired by Bejeweled.
However, somehow I believe your claim.
sure, why not
Glad you like it.
It does. And naturally, the more one practices, they become better at it.
And there is the element of chance: if the randomly generated grid is helpful (e.g. half solved), the easier and quicker it is solved.
😂 Say the word, Towers are just around the corner! 😂
As things are at the moment, yes.
I was thinking of passing the color variables in the config file, through
, but then, people would (rightfully) complain about colors not matching their terminal color theme.
I might do just that in the near future, leaving the terminal theme values as default.
If you wish to change color values, they are hardcoded in the load_colors
function of
, and sufficiently marked with comments, to know which is which.
A useful help for such a change would be
Let me know if you need any help with these changes.
Summing up seconds and moves seemed a fair way to mark one’s score. The analogy of each in the sum is purely arbitrary, and quite possibly subjective: Some people play based more with their reflexes, muscle memory, than calculation. Not everyone functions the same. However this is a fair point. Thanks for the feedback.
Simple terminal radio, lots of stations to choose from, customizable.
One for xfce. I have installed it too many times, very rarely crashes, very friedly, reliable, fast. However, it is a matter of taste / habit really.
Hey let me know how it goes, any feedback is welcome!
Thank you, I am glad you like it. I have been trying to improve it, adding functionalities, improving the selection mechanism with cursor and scrolling etc.
Thanks, any feedback would be welcome!
Percentage, it’s percentage that is recorded, percentage.
Oh my bad, I misunderstood the concept of percentage.
Somehow things seem similar (perhaps better) in Greece:
yt-dlp works, magic-tape works, too, if you don’t mind terminal interface.