• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I still use a c to audio adapter most of the time when I’m out and about. My wired earbuds don’t need to charge, have much better sound quality than wireless, and if one side falls out of my ear it just swings down instead of falling into the dirt/water/snow. As far as I’m concerned the only benefit of wireless is that they can’t catch on anything, and that’s more a skill issue than anything imo

  • What are you even going on about? Proprietary Nvidia graphics drivers updates are released at basically the same time as the windows version, and amd has always worked flawlessly. I have 2 2k 144hz monitors with HDR and both work and look just as good on Linux as on Windows.

    The only issues with high dpi monitors is that some apps don’t both detecting the monitor dpi and need to be adjusted manually… but there are very few that that is still an issue for, and windows has the same problem because it’s an app problem not an OS problem

  • Same, I seed for 1 month or 4x ratio. I only have one private tracker (myanonamouse for books) that requires 1x ratio or 2 weeks seeding (maybe 2x ratio?) But I have unlimited internet. I’ve been the sole seeder for music files quite a few times, and for tv shows once or twice before they get picked up by others again. No downside to over seeding since I leave my PC on for hosting my Plex instance anyway, I just rate limit my seeding if I’m trying to watch something on Plex outside of my network and it’s buffering a lot. I get a lot of files from a usenet server anyway so I’m not bogged down by a ton of torrents (have it set to 50 active torrents, don’t think I’ve ever gotten there), just the stuff not available on my usenet server

  • On one hand, yes. On the other hand, you don’t need all the keybinds, just remember the useful ones!

    Want to delete a single word? Esc to enter command mode, d i w to delete the word you’re on, I to begin typing again.
    Everything between two of any char, usually parenthesis or quotes? Same process but d i {char} so something like “what are (you doing senpai)” can be made “what are ()” with just a few very quick keystrokes.
    Delete to end of line? D.
    Copy a whole line? yy (or Y for the rest of the line after cursor). Any time you do dd to delete a full line (or D for the rest of the line, or any other delete action) the contents are also copied so you can paste them again somewhere else.

    Can you do anything with vim that you can’t do with a GUI + moise? Technically no - but with vim you can do things significantly faster. There is an initial learning curve to get used to basic keybinds and the 2 modes, but it’s well worth it, and not using the mouse is intoxicatingly faster and more fun.

    I highly recommend doom emacs over vanilla vim- all the power of emacs, but with vim keybinds and a lot of other QOL features. There isn’t much that isn’t already built into vanilla emacs, much less doom emacs, and even less that can’t be added with some packages that you can install from in the app. Web browser? Eww, and you even can use your vim keybinds in it. Doesn’t render everything great graphics wise, but it’s perfect for looking up documentation if you’re lazy. Email? Built in baby. Git? Magit. Notes? Embrace the one true note format, org files and org-roam. File explorer? Dired right in baby. Terminal? Space + o + {t, T} for a terminal in its own buffer for all your terminal pleasures.

    I also always install neovim as a backup, it was my favorite vim client for a while. It’s useful to be able to use it for basic editing if I’m already trolling around in a terminal such as quick edits to docker-compose files before rerunning them