Oh and now the hens are concerned about electing the leopard.
I mean okay, I mean Trump will just pick something worse. I’m more disappointed that Democrats didn’t grow a spine and just release the house report on Gatez.
Said the same thing in 2016, did the work, and then millions didn’t bother to show up and let trump and Republicans take over again.
There’s no point really when America is this God damn stupid.
A lot of innocent people are going to get hurt, including my family but I can’t help but to think, oh well, this is what America voted for as a whole as stood as it is.
Why would he give two shits about political capital when his fucking shit supreme court started that he can do any illegal shit he wants as long as he’s president? He has all the political capital in the world when he’s been given dictatorial power that Biden didn’t take advantage of.
It’s that what gatez called himself after downing Red Bull and Viagra and then fucked a minor?
Well I’m hoping white people but we know how well that worked in Georgia and Arizona, we found out they’re just too soft to work those jobs despite being told they would be taking their jerb back
It happened in 2016 and they found out and they went back to the trough for more toadstool.
And this would just be the start of fascism in America.
Nah, they’re clamoring for Biden to hurry up and stop shipment of arms to Israel and get the ceasefire some before Trump gets into office. Too little to late guys, Israel won’t care, won’t do shit now that they know trump won.
I’m not. The turtle is ruthless and smart and would limit the insanity. Nah, let the people have what they want.
In Haider’s case, she didn’t think the bus trip to the polling station was worth the hassle.
Nope, scratch what I originally wrote, yeah, no, fuck you. You get what you voted for and if you think that the Democratic party wasn’t taking you seriously, boy howdy, leopards and faces my friend.
Nope, good luck, hope you enjoy your decision.
Remember that 53% of white women voted for this.
They voted for them and all women to be considered property.
Ugh… Thanks for reminding me that the family values conservative father/son team critique each other’s porn tastes.
Yeah, literal gender swapped Skeletor is whitewashing what Conservative “Justice” Thomas said when they stripped abortion rights away.
Sadly this will probably work because people are stupid and forgetful.
Because people keep buying and clamoring for these features.
So your long-winded, weird lost cause diatribe stating it wasn’t about slavery still points out of was literally about slavery.
Well that was some cringe, Billy Madison BS early in my morning.
The only thing Jensen sees is him milking the market.
And with this, all I can think of is The Office now.
Yeah, pretty much.