wait, shell could make matrix multiplication ?
wait, shell could make matrix multiplication ?
I would have put OpenBSD in “focus on security”. Or hell The only prebuild thing their is pain, pain and suffering
Brave is not a privacy focus browser.
I think it both. Not all software or codec provider aim to apply the EU and French laws. Quite the contrary
Judges and Justices are not that precise. They aim to preserved public order before anything else. If a whole industry is based on a questionable interpretation of patent, they is a lot of chances that judges would agree on it. Even in countries where you could not patent algorythm, industries patent the documentation, the “software design”, the brand name, the illustrations used, and aggregates everything together, to say they own it. And it works.
TL;DR : Class Justice
Never forget, never forgive
I was surprise to learn that we couldn’t remove remove metadata from video zith
but have to use ffmpeg